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Sport is an important part of our community, our character and our success. Our sports department works with our pupils to develop physical skills in addition to developing their confidence, self-esteem, respect, and teamwork. We believe these qualities are, among fairness and the encouragement of others, play an important role in developing a well rounded character in our pupils, which they are able to carry with them, on and off of the pitch. 

Sport is an inclusive subject with all pupils being given the opportunity to represent the School, at a level appropriate to their ability during weekly fixtures. Weekly fixtures against other Schools primarily take place each Tuesday for our Years 3&4 pupils and each Wednesday for Years 5-8. It is during these matches, no matter which sport, where our pupils' hard work and development truly shine. During fixtures it is not just the children's physical abilities we see, but our pupils' ability to embody our school values: resilience, confidence, open-mindedness, discipline and kindness. 

GIRLS’ MAJOR TEAM SPORTS: Hockey | Football | Netball | Cricket | Shooting
BOYS’ MAJOR TEAM SPORTS: Football | Hockey | Rugby | Cricket | Shooting

Terra Nova is proud of its Cross-Country running team who enjoy competing across the county.

We also host and attend several key tournaments throughout the year for a variety of sports.

Pupils appreciate the importance of physical fitness and enjoy both the formal sports programme and opportunities for recreation within the extensive grounds.