Terra Nova is a happy school, and our commitment to pastoral care ensures that we provide a safe, tolerant and nurturing environment which allows our pupils to reach their full potential in every area of life. We know that happy children learn best and we see the pastoral care and needs of our pupils as vital to their success and personal development.
Pastoral care underpins all that we do and is woven into daily life at Terra Nova through our curriculum, co-curricular provision, assemblies and our committed staff. Each child has either a dedicated Class Teacher (Early Years and Year 1-4) or a Form Tutor (Years 5-8) who spends time with them every morning during form time. Our teachers and form tutors are overseen by a Phase Leader who supports in the delivery of pastoral care. Working in partnership with parents is essential and we encourage parents to contact the school with any concerns about their child.
The school is proud to employ:
A Designated Safeguarding Lead
A School Nurse
A School Counsellor & Mental Health Lead
An Independent Listener
Terra Nova pupils have access to these people who are integral to the robust Pastoral Team that have the medical, emotional and wellbeing requirements of the children covered. The Pastoral Team meets weekly along with the Phase Leaders, and all staff attend regular training sessions on Safeguarding and Pastoral matters. All pupils have access to everyone on our Listening Tree.
For further information, please see our Statement on Safeguarding and Wellbeing and also our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, which can be found on the policies page.
Pupils' social awareness is excellent. The school culture encourages relaxed relationships and social confidence and this helps to create an extremely harmonious and happy community.