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At Terra Nova, we are proud to offer a welcoming and homely boarding house which is run by a team of boarding professionals whose focus and drive is the pastoral care and development of each individual child.  

Boarding life

The evening activity programme provided by the boarding team enables strong interpersonal development through access to a wide range of co-curricular activities. Our modern boarding structure allows for tremendous flexibility in line with the busy lives of our children and parents with weekly and flexi boarding options open to girls and boys from ages 8-13.  

Meet the Boarding Team

Visiting Terra Nova

We strongly recommend you visit our boarding house to see for yourselves all that boarding at Terra Nova has to offer.

Visit Terra Nova

Boarding options

We offer both weekly boarding and flexi-boarding options at Terra Nova, letting you choose the best option for you and your child.

Discover boarding options

Our boarding philosophy

Boarding at Terra Nova provides every child with:
• A safe, caring, homely atmosphere in which children can grow in confidence and develop an independence and interdependence that will prepare them for their future lives. 
• A happy and stable environment in which children can relax and feel secure. 
• A considerate and caring staff who have the best interests of the children as their prime consideration and are prepared to give their time and energy to ensure that the boarders feel safe and happy. 
• A range of activities and clubs that will assist in the personal, social and cultural development of each child. 
• A boarding area that is clean, comfortable and well decorated, that is safe and free from physical hazards and danger. 
• A nourishing, varied and well balanced diet to ensure the healthy well being and physical growth of the children. 
• Access to qualified medical assistance in the event of illness or accident. 
• Assistance with and oversight of academic work to ensure that children keep up with work and progress is made. 
• A discipline that is firm and fair, based on the expectation of good manners and a high standard of behaviour that shows consideration for others in the community. 
• A system that establishes and maintains links with parents so that they are aware of what is happening and they are kept in touch with their child’s development.

Sign up for flexi-boarding

To make a booking for Flexi or Weekly boarding please email

Boarders develop independence and responsibilty within a caring and supportive environment and new boarders are quickly made to feel part of the boarding community.