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Terra Nova School scholarships are awarded for the following disciplines:






Awards are made to pupils looking to enter Year 7. Pupils sit the Scholarship assessments in the Easter Term of Year 6. Scholarship candidates are assessed in their chosen discipline and are interviewed by members of the Senior Leadership Team.

​Parents of candidates wishing to apply for any scholarship at Terra Nova, must do so by emailing to formally register their interest. This applies to both external candidates as well as pupils already at Terra Nova School.

​Application Deadline for all Scholarships: Friday 7th February 2025

Assessments for all Scholarships: week of Monday 24th February 2025


Candidates must show exceptional academic ability across the curriculum combined with a keen interest, and they sit the Scholarship Examination: they spend a day at the school and awards are made on the basis of mathematical papers, written papers, Verbal reasoning and interview with at least two members of the Senior Leadership Team. 

Academic Scholarship Information & Criteria


Performing Arts Scholars are expected to maintain high standards of musical and/or drama excellence and to be an ambassador for the department through their personal practice and enthusiastic participation. Performing Arts Scholars are expected to play a full part in the performing arts department during their time at Terra Nova. Candidates should provide any evidence of external examinations or performances with their application.

Performing Arts Scholarship Information & Criteria


Creative Arts awards are made on the basis of a personal portfolio, a practical assessment and an interview. They should show evidence of a commitment to the creative arts both in school, by attending clubs, and outside of school with visits to galleries and exhibitions. A keenness to enter competitions etc. should also be evident.

Creative Arts Scholarship Information & Criteria


Candidates are evaluated in their chosen sports and a variety of other fitness and decision-making tests. The school will also take into account references supplied by the candidate’s school and by other individuals involved in coaching the candidate. Sports Scholars are expected to play a full part in the sporting life of the School during their time at Terra Nova.

Sports Scholarship Information & Criteria


An All-Rounder Scholarship can be awarded to any candidate who, throughout the scholarship process, has shown talent, skill and potential in a number of the scholarship disciplines. All-rounder scholarships cannot be applied for as such but are awarded by the Headmistress at the end of the Scholarship assessment process. All candidates must evidence a portfolio of serious commitment to the discipline being assessed. 


A pupil who sits below scholarship level, but who evidences a genuine passion for, and commitment to their discipline will be considered for a Head’s award. If this is true in more than one discipline, they will be considered for an All-Rounder scholarship.