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At Terra Nova, our fees are inclusive of an extensive array of features and benefits to life at Terra Nova. Activities, clubs and quality food, including three hot, nutritious meals are available to pupils from 7.30am - 6.30pm. 

Terra Nova School Fees include the following: 

  • Breakfast club (if required) which includes specific care for our younger children and is available from 7.30am. 

  • A multiple-choice lunch including hot, cold and vegetarian options daily. (Food allergies and intolerances are fully catered for). 

  • Snacks, drinks and fruit available at break times. 

  • In-school laundry and organisation of sportswear from Year 3. 

  • An extensive selection of free after-school clubs for all years. 

  • Supper (if required) from Year 3, and no additional cost if your child needs to stay until 6.30pm 

We are very proud to offer activities and access to an extensive selection of free after-school clubs for all years, including: 

Early Years


Little Scientists

Crafty Club

Rhymes, Singing and Games

Den Building

Sandpit Fun

Drama Club


Years 1-8

Art Scholars Maths
Book Club Multi Sports
Chamber Choir School Council
Construction Club Science Scholars
Debating Society Senior Choir
Drama Senior Languages Club
Drama Scholars Club STEM Club
D&T Club String Orchestra
French Scholars Summer Games
Junior Choir Textiles Technology
Junior Prep The School Magazine
Junior Rockband Yoga & Mindfulness
Mandarin Club 11+ English and Maths


This extensive offering of activities that our pupils can explore, provides an exciting backdrop in which to learn. We know that happy children learn best, and we see the pastoral care and needs of our pupils as vital to their success and personal development. Pastoral care underpins all that we do and is woven into daily life at Terra Nova through our curriculum, co-curricular provision, assemblies and our committed staff.  

To book a tour of our school with Headmistress Christabel Westall, please contact our Admissions team.