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School Fees 2024-25

Terra Nova School Fees include the following:

  • Breakfast club (if required) which includes specific care for our younger children and is available from 7.30am.
  • A multiple-choice lunch including hot, cold and vegetarian options daily. (Food allergies and intolerances are fully catered for).
  • Snacks, drinks and fruit available at break times.
  • In-school laundry and organisation of sportswear from Year 3.
  • An extensive selection of free after-school clubs for all years.
  • Supper (if required) from Year 3 and no additional cost if your child needs to stay until 6.30pm
Admissions Fees (INCL. vat)                                                                                                 
Registration Fee £90
Surety (refundable upon leaving TN) £600
Nursery Fees (vat exempt)                                                                (per term)
2 Days per week £1834
3 Days per week £2751
4 Days per week £3668
5 Days per week £4585

Lower Nursery - Minimum of 2 full days or 3 mornings
Upper Nursery - Minimum of 3 full days or 5 mornings

Reception, Junior & Senior Fees (Incl. vat)                                  (per term)
Reception, Years 1 & 2 £5510
Years 3 & 4 Day Students £6508
Years 5 - 8 Day Students £7633
Boarding Fees (INCL. vat)                         
Flexi Boarding (per night) £60
Weekly Boarding - Mon - Sat AM (per week) £240
Supernovas Wrap-Around Care Fees (VAT Exempt)                                  (per session)
After School Club (2.5 - 7 years) 1st Hour 4 - 5pm £10
After School Club (2.5 - 7 years) Full Session 4 - 6pm (includes evening meal) £15
Holiday Club (3 years +) 9am - 4pm £40

Parents are able to save 3% on school fees for the forthcoming academic year by paying the full year's fees in advance (by 1st August).

Please contact the school Bursar for further information:

Fees are reviewed annually and are subject to increase from time to time. Payment is by either direct transfer to the School's bank account, by cheque or by debit or credit card. We do not accept payment by cash. No remission of fees can be made on account of absence.